4 things Jesus never said

4 things Jesus never said

In American culture, phrases from the Bible are often said in casual conversation, such as, “An eye for an eye,” “Do unto others what you would have them do to you,” or “My cross to bear.”  There are also many common phrases that...
Your life matters…don’t waste it!

Your life matters…don’t waste it!

Prefer to watch rather than read? Watch this devotional with Pastor Jeff here!   I want you to think for a moment: your life, your time here on this earth, is limited. I think that we should be making the most of our lives, fulfilling the purpose for which we...
Why “follow your heart” is really bad advice

Why “follow your heart” is really bad advice

Hey everyone, Pastor Carey here. I just want to share with you a few words of inspiration to make your day and to help you along the way. Something that will unlock your true potential, and help you become all you are meant to be, more than you ever dreamed of being!...