Our Reopening Plan
Service Times
8 AM | 10 AM | 12 PM
Held in our Main Sanctuary
To enable social distancing, we are asking you to sign up EACH WEEK for one service time. Seating availability is on a first-come – first-served basis. If a service is full, that option will not be available. Please sign up for one service only. For those who choose not to come to live services, livestream services will broadcast as normal at 8am, 10:30am, and 6pm.
Our Guidelines for Your Safety
- Main Service – during this first phase, we will have main services only. There will be no Nursery, NH Tots or NH Kids ministries, Sunday school, choir or orchestra.
- Sanctuary seating – to allow for social distancing, seating will be in every other row of pews.
In rows designated for seating, we’ve indicated a number for optimal seating in that row. Please allow 4 seat cushions between you and the next family. If you are a family of 4 or more, we encourage you to be seated in the first 3 rows of seating or the far side sections. Choosing a row where your family can fill most of the row will help to ensure there is enough seating for others. - Face masks – Some will choose to wear face masks, others will not. Please be understanding and accepting of a person’s choice to do either.
- Common areas and gathering spaces of the building will be closed. That includes New Hope Java and other tables and seating areas in the lobby.
- Before every service, the sanctuary and all high-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected. To allow time for cleaning, we ask that you wait in your cars until 15 minutes before the service begins to enter the building.
- Hand Sanitizing Stations – are set up throughout the building. We encourage their use.
- Sneezes or coughs – please cover your mouth and nose or do so into your elbow.
- Restrooms – We will be wiping down and sanitizing surfaces in the restrooms between services.
- In order to reduce the traffic in our restrooms, we encourage you plan your restroom break before you come to church.
- Drinking fountains – will not be available for use.
- Bulletins or printed materials – We will not hand out bulletins or printed materials. Offering envelopes are located in the pew holders or at one of the centers.
- Greeters – there will be no greeting team as we begin in-person services. As much as possible, doors will be propped open as you come in and leave. We will not shake hands, fist bump, high five or hug. Instead, we will simply wave and smile.
- Offering – We encourage you to continue giving online. However, at in-person services, there will be containers at the doors when you leave to place your tithes and offerings.
- Dismissing the service – we will dismiss one section at a time by rows from back to the front.