Our NH Family Life Sunday School class is now accepting donations for Thanksgiving Baskets!

These Baskets go to families in our church and community who could use a blessing around the holiday season. Inside the Baskets are items needed to make a Thanksgiving meal. Here are three ways you can help:

1. DONATE ITEMS: Gather the items on this list and drop them off in the lobby at the donation table next to the Events Center. The deadline for drop-off is November 22.

2. DONATE MONEY: Donate money for perishable items. Give on our website and designate your gift “Thanksgiving Baskets,” or write a check to “New Hope Assembly of God” and designate it the same.

3. NOMINATE: Fill out a form* at the Events Center and nominate a family member, neighbor, coworker or anyone else who would be blessed by a Thanksgiving Basket! Our goal this year is to give baskets to 100 families.

*The deadline to nominate is November 22; the Baskets will be delivered on November 24.